
Country: SPAIN

Raised: €75 000


From the left to the right: Salvador Montalbán, José Alberto García and José Manuel Andreu


A new ultrasound device is proposed to solve the problems related to the existing ultrasound machines for transcutaneous puncture procedures.

It is characterized by having all the necessary electronic components for echography in a small space, bringing rapidity, security and precision to the puncture procedure at a lower price. It shows a reconstructed ultrasound image in order to facilitate the immediate reference of the patient’s anatomical structures.

For more information, visit Flecho.


Milestone I: Receive support from the Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Cartagena (CEEIC/ceeic.com) and the Cloud Incubator HUB (cincubator.com).
Milestone II:  Business project awarded with the prize of “II Premio CIM/Cátedra de Emprendedores”
Milestone III:  Already signed a contract with the venture firm Murcia Emprende S.C.R.
Milestone IV: Operative prototype, currently working on its miniaturization