
Country: ITALY

 Raised: €


 8902-890151_th1  8922-892146_th1   8905-890418_th1

Roberta Musaro    Manuel De Iuliis  Lorenzo Del Zozzo


MEMIO mission is to increase adherence to medical therapies, especially by old people.
During the last year more than 20 million people were hospitalized beacuse they were not able to follow theier therapies in a correct way.
Our product is memiocall: a system of reminder (via text or vocal messages) for old people who have to take a lot of medication during the day.
Imagine making more autonomous old people, ensuring compliance with therapy.
Thanks to memio follow the medical treatment will not be a problem anymore!


MEMiO team won the annual InnovAction Lab
The team in October joined the Startupbootcamp accelerator in Barcelona, and in December it will participate in the Premio Nazionale Innovazione PNIcube finals, having been one of the StartCup Lazio 2015 winners.