
Country: SPAIN

Raised: €


 Angela Angulo Ranz

Angela Angulo Ranz


On-line Platform that promotes Rental Spaces per days or hours & the events hold in those spaces.

Renting in a short term basis is a new form of renting, oriented towards cultural, social or business activities. Our web site allows finding and contacting this type of spaces & their events by different filters criteria


For more information, visit Sala-mandra.


 Milestone I : First Web Site Prototype developed and tested:  On line service launch &  start creating critical mass of renting spaces & users. (300 renting spaces & 2.000 GA visits), year 2014.

Milestone II: Second Web site version: Better positioning, design and functionality, Finalist at Incyde program for women entrepreneurship. Won a year office space at International Madrid Lab. First bill. 700 spaces & 8,000 visits GA, year 2015.

Milestone III: First Sponsor acquired, Europe Scale Up selected, Third Version Web site on process, 20% growth in every operational ratio, year 2016.